Friday, September 19, 2008

To drink, or not to drink.

To the random few who read this, you may recall that over the last few posts I have pined over a certain beer that I have not had in over a year. That beers name is Yuengling, and it hails  from Pottsville Pennsylvania and spreads through the whole state and some surrounding ones. The beer is so popular in Philly that when you go to a bar, all you have to say is "Lager" and they will automatically assume you mean Yuengling. It's that local appeal which keeps Yuengling in the hearts of many people in Pennsylvania. The beer has not really prospered in other states though. It is widely spread throughout New York City, but something about it seems a miss, something less fresh, less nurtured. That may be the reason why Yuengling refuses to ship their product out to any state west of Tennessee(as seen here). So as a person who lives in California, this creates a problem for me being able to drink it. 

Since I've moved to L.A, I've tried to find a way to get my daily fix of Yuengling. I've gone to bars, asked them why they couldn't find a way to get a keg or two. Gone to beer stores, to see if they could "import" a case of Yuengling, if they can get beer from the Phillipines, it made no sense that they could not obtain a simple six pack from a dozen or so states away. Knowing that there was no Legal way to get a Yuengling, I then resorted to desperate measures. Begging people to sneak a six pack in their bag when coming from Philly to LA. Asking my
 friends who live there to ship me a whole case of Yuengling and charge it as a business expense or something. Sadly, nothing came to fruition, until last week.

To make a long story short(too late, I know), after my friend Mike came back from Philly and failed to get me so much as a Yuengling Label(thats how desperate I am becoming),the guilt trip I laid on him made him take a pro-active stance. He asked his mom to mail him a single bottle of
Yuengling in the mail. And so a single bottle now sits in my fridge. But this raises a dilemma. What to do with it? 

Would you unearth the tree that grew in Brooklyn? As of right now, to my knowledge, this bottle is the only Yuengling west of the Mississippi River. It can serve as a beacon of hope, to anyone else who feels alone in this west coast land where Yuengling is just a fairy-tale.  But at the same time, watching the Eagles play on Sunday does not feel the same
 without a bottle of Yuengling in hand. Do I find a way to ration out this one bottle for  the remaining games of the season? Or do I save it for a very truly special occasion? 

By this point, the bottle is most likely stale or skunked in some sort of way so I am in no rush to drink it. It was in postal boxes traveling in the tail end of summer, there is no way it could have been preserved at room temperatures. . But that doesn't bother me, to be able to say I am physically drinking a bottle of Yuengling, even if its past its prime is something too good to waste or turn down. So any thoughts? What should I do with it? Any help soon will be of benefit, because if I don't have a set goal, I will probably stumble in one day drunk and down it at 3 in the morning and forget about it the next day, which would suck balls. 


anna said...

I agree with everything you said. I just wanted to add that it's the oldest brewery in the U.S.

I think you should drink it tomorrow.

Paul said...

Dan, to up you one, every time I have a Moretti I think of you and Lou.

And Anna, we are going to be too busy drinking other fine beers tomorrow for me to even dare touch my Yuengling, I have to drink that with a clean palate!