The first thing that shocked me was that on game day, bars were open at 8am. Since moving to the West Coast, I found sports cities to be...how should I say, pussyish? In Philly or in New York when it was game day, you could tell. People would be walking around rocking jerseys, tailgating, being obnoxious the whole shibang. This was something I had not yet seen in LA,Phoenix or San Diego. The Lakers are the number 1 team in the NBA right now and you would have no idea by looking at anyone on the streets. Well lets just say, San Fran held up.

It was only when I was about 2 bars in did I remember that San Fran has many good breweries
nearby. Anchor Steam was the main one, but there was also Speakeasy ales, and then my favorite of them all; Bear Republic. All of these beers were served very fresh and with much dedication. When you are in a bar at 9am, the bartender doesn't really have to do much to keep you happy, so it was really nice to see the bartenders still watch the pour instead of just running the tap and walking away. I got the feeling that people appreciated beer there on the same level as wine, maybe the city got so bored of being wine connaisseurs that they redirected their attention to beer, as is evident with the recent uprising of breweries.

There is one thing I must warn you about San Franscisco though. When you get there you realize you can walk around the entire place since its built like a city in the east. Bar Crawling becomes a possibility, unlike in LA where you would always have to hop in a car afterwards, making it very hard to bar hop. Now, like all bar crawls, the walk back is always the harder part of the journey, normally because you tend being ne
ar to piss drunk. In San Fran, this is murder. If you are ever there, and you decide to bar crawl, just remember your route. Those pretty hills you walked down on the way to the bar, you will now have to walk up, and when you have been drinking since 9am, walking up the hills can easily be the hardest excercise you will end up doing in the year. So people with Beer guts, know that San Fran is open to your folly, but the gut doesn't help anything when you have to walk back to your hotel.

On a side note, I am taking a two week vacation and heading back to the Land of Beer. I'm going to be hitting up the pubs in the U.K, and then travelling to the holy land of ales, Belgium. So be on the lookout for the Perishing Thirts International Tour of Pours!(How lame was that?)
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