Fathers Office is the best thing to do in Santa Monica. They have the best taps in LA, the best burger in LA, and on a general scale, some of the nicest people in LA. I was a bit shocked to find out that when I showed up this time, there was a line outside the door. I thought it was going to be turned into another full packed bar where you have to wait 10 minutes just to order a drink, but it turns out that they only let 75 people in at a time. The upside is you don't have to be smushed and yell in order to speak to anybody. The downside is once your inside, and your friend shows up late, he has to wait in the line in order to get in.

And with that said, here's a new section called, "Paul's Drunk Questions". Remember when the teachers would say "There's no such thing as dumb questions." Well, there are. But when you're drunk your totally allowed to ask them because people will either be entertained by this random act of stupidity, or they will forget the next day. There is only one rule, you cannot look up anything to answer, it has to be as if you're in a bar, and totally pissed. So here it goes, What came first, Orange the color? Or Orange the Fruit? Most people retort with the color, but really? Where does the natural color orange exist other than a fruit? A sunset sky? This leads to another path, the origin of words, such as, were the first colors..in Latin? And is Orange the fruit, the same as Orange the color in Japanese? Once again, you can't look up any answers online, feel free to give your two cents.
yessss! I can answer! Oranges aren't always naturally orange. If you had been to Spain recently (like me), you would know that they are sometimes green or greenish yellow (and sometimes grotesquely lumpy!).
I think the environemnt has something to do with it and they even dye them sometimes. (freaky right?)
So based on that, you'd think the color would have come first, right? Or wait, then why would they be called oranges and not "greenish-yellows"? I guess I'm still confused?
Crap so, Ok, Oranges aren't always orange. But Orange, the color, is. So based on absolutes, Orange the color wins. But when was the first color of orange seen then? Maybe someone saw three oranges one day, One pure orange, one green, and one yellow green. They went, hmm look at this new fruit, and this new color! What should we call it, and then someone was like, look its greenish yellow, so lets call the fruit..Green Yellow. Then someone was like, but no...cause, thats weird, so lets just make up a new word for the color, and the fruit and call it a day.
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