When I started driving and found that gas went from 3.20 to 4.06 a gallon, I didn't really get pissed, i just accepted that, it was something that needed to happen. When gas prices went down to 3.20 I was a very happy trooper. Suffice to say, Prices are up again. Now I believe the reason is a mixture between supply and demand, and inflation, but once again I don't know. One thing I do know is that, Tonight was the first night I was sick of the rising prices, and decided I wouldn't stand for it anymore. Oh and if your wondering why I'm talking about Oil in a Beer Blog, I'm not. The price raise that sickened me today was when I saw that a cup of Beer was 9 freaking dollars.
But its not just in venue places. In New York for instance Yuengling can be up to 5 bucks in Brooklyn, and 7 bucks in Manhattan, as opposed to the 3 dollars in Philly. Now I get it costs more to ship it to New York, but is it really 2 dollars more from Brooklyn to Manhattan? And the quality of this beer isn't even good, its not like I'm paying more because they've specially delivered the beer from Pottsville to New York and are taking good care of it. The beer normally sucks, your paying 7 bucks for a stale crappy beer. Damn you New York, if you're going to over price me, you should at least make the Yuengling taste the way it should.
Theres a movie theatre chain in LA called the Arclight, It charges about 3 dollars more than your average theatre, but with that you are getting fine projection, good patrons, proper maintenance. You are paying more to get more. So the whole idea of not even knowing if you are getting a fresh beer, or stale beer, when you are dropping down almost double digit dollars, is rather absurd to me. It's Russian Roulette with my liver, and my wallet.
Now we all know that Venues make most of their money on concessions, people need to eat and drink, they will buy it no matter what the cost (I think thats actually supply and demand,no?). Today I went to a show at the Gibson Ampitheatre, and was shocked to find a cup of Beer in the 9 dollar range. The rising of prices has become such a serious issue, that when Artie Moreno bought the Anaheim Angels in 2003. The first change he wanted to make was nothing to do with the Roster or Staff, but to lower beer prices in the stadium.

Theres a movie theatre chain in LA called the Arclight, It charges about 3 dollars more than your average theatre, but with that you are getting fine projection, good patrons, proper maintenance. You are paying more to get more. So the whole idea of not even knowing if you are getting a fresh beer, or stale beer, when you are dropping down almost double digit dollars, is rather absurd to me. It's Russian Roulette with my liver, and my wallet.
If beer is now in the 9 dollar range, I think its time we set some rules as to why it is, and what we as consumers should expect back in return. If people started going into stores and buying moldy bread for twice the price, you think no one would complain? I fear that just cause the current demographic in question is full of Beer Drinkers, the companies can do whatever they want because they feel we are too juvenile to care about it. Well if Wine connoisseurs can be taken seriously and respected, then dammit...we should be too. Eff 9 Dollars for a pint of beer.
P.S, It may be obvious that this entire post may have been written just bec ause I am going through a Yuengling withdrawl. It should not detract from the main point at hand though. God I miss Yuengling.
P.S, It may be obvious that this entire post may have been written just bec ause I am going through a Yuengling withdrawl. It should not detract from the main point at hand though. God I miss Yuengling.