So this past weekend I drank my 200th beer. How would anybody know that you ask? Well since last summer I have been recording a list of every different type of beer I've had. You're now asking why would anybody do that? Well since the dawn of man, people have made records of things. To chart progress, to remember the past, to set down goals for the future, and thus, The Beer List was created. It serves as a reminder for what I've had, what I plan to have, and whenever I wonder, "Where did this extra 20 pounds of weight and a fat belly come from?" I can look at the list and go, Oh yes, from that.
Don't worry, this blog will not be a review of every single beer that i have, it will be more about the fun experiences, thoughts and observations that come along the way on this journey of self...stupidity? It's all about the interesting Bars that are out there, the great(and no so great) people you meet along the way, and the fun thoughts and conversations that arise after you have a pint or two in you. If it weren't for People, Pubs and Pints, where else would I find a forum to speak about my longing desire to grow a handlebar mustache? Even though I know that I can't grow facial hair. Or be in a situation where your guard is down long enough to turn to your friend(or the bartender, whoever is nearer) and ask something that has been bugging you as of late, like, what the hell is a Satsuma orange anyway?
Well consider this blog the sober extension of those train of thoughts. Some entries will surely be concise and to the point, but then some will be those little thoughts that lay in the back of your head, that seem to just gain more relevance after you become, well..lets call a spade a spade here; Drunk. And for all the people out there who have a hobby or passion, I urge you to not disregard it just because it may seem petty, or may make you end up looking like an Alcoholic. Write a list down, jot what you've accomplished with that interest of yours, and what you still wish to. Trust me, a List comes in Handy, it has other values than just having a manifest ready to hand to my Doctor once he starts asking me why my Liver is all messed up.
So just like this Pint, we are at an end. Look forward to more posts down the line, and feel free to leave any messages behind,
if there are dumb questions you have as well but forgot to get it in before the last call, or if you actually enjoy beer as well, feel free to let me know about your favorite one, or a bar you think I should check out. And I hope you enjoy my documented journey to quench that seemingly never ending, perishing thirst.

1 comment:
A young man named George Washington kept a list of all the things a gentleman should be mindful of and look where it got him...his face is prominently featured in a Hitchcock movie starring Cary Grant.
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